Indonesian Government Debt Interest Payer Year 2010 Rp 115, 595 trillion

Total interest payments of government debt to be repaid in the year 2010 reached Rp 115.595 billion and became the highest burden of debt interest payments throughout the history of government finances. Status of Indonesia, which are removed from the poor countries to make the loan interest rate increases so that the burden of payment was swollen.

Director of Strategy and Finance Ministry Ayu Debt Portfolio Sukorini express it in Jakarta, Monday (19/4/2010).

According to Ayu, on the one hand, interest payments is relatively mild because of the strengthening of the rupiah against the yen. This is important because the government's foreign debt position in the yen exchange rate dominates (about 28.32 billion U.S. dollars).

However, at the same time, the amount of overdue loans used to purchase the main equipment of weapons systems (defense equipment), the TNI and the Police also due in 2010. This adds a significant burden of interest payments due to the purchase of defense equipment is financed from loans with commercial loans.

"The high debt interest payments are also due to the rise of Indonesia that are considered no longer a poor country so as not worthy to receive soft loans with interest rates. Other causes are the amount of government securities (GS), which led to the debt burden of interest payments also rose, "said Ayu.

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1 Response to "Indonesian Government Debt Interest Payer Year 2010 Rp 115, 595 trillion"

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April 24, 2010 at 9:17 PM

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