Remuneration amoral At Tax Agency

Pretense has shown the leadership level of the Ministry of Finance when responding to disclosure of civil cases of tax evasion by the Directorate General (DG) HP Gaius Tax Tambunan. Just pretend to know, or pretend to be surprised that some unscrupulous tax morale can be that bad and that low; misuse of authority and power to corrupt the country's currency.

In fact, the story of a number of actors who behave like the Directorate General of Taxation plays Gaius is decades old. Gaius may we see as the latest generation of DG Taxation unscrupulous thugs who behaved in the area of tax collection.

If the level of the leadership of the ministry of Finance is true, in the sense that they really did not know there was surprised with the behavior of individual taxes such as Gaius and his colleagues, they are not capable to lead the ministry. How can you lead if you do not know anything about what went wrong or a bad habit that has lasted decades in some instances the ministry.

Pretense that the leadership of the finance ministry looks so naked for the business community, traders, observers taxation and customs issues and the public who are concerned with taxation and customs issues.

In the issue of taxation, have been too many complaints and stories that indicate proliferation of deviant behavior of unscrupulous tax DG. For example, it might be millions of small and large traders who had been frightened, and asked to compromise by the official tax collector in the field.

This mode has long been common knowledge. The same mode experienced by thousands of employers who lay in calculating their tax liability. Too delicious with game modes like this, a number of unscrupulous tax jokingly describe it as a tax with farm (farm income).

Another indicator is the data in the tax court. That said, there are thousands of case files on claims objections from taxpayers (WP) on the number of obligations. Of the total cases handled by the tax court, the state more often loses.

That is, from the total claim, the percentage of very large country's defeat. At the very least, raised the question; the taxpayer's true or tax officials who represent the state as either plaintiff or defendant was not able to protect and safeguard the interests of the country. Or, unscrupulous tax officials and tax courts are in collusion with WP to get together to defeat the country and take advantage of the defeat of that country? How pathetic.

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